YOU are Brilliant.

YOU are Brilliant.

You arrive, perhaps a little nervous. A little unsure.

It's cozy.

There's music playing. and

laughter fills the air.

You quickly realize -

you're meant to be here.

You're exactly who we're waiting for.

You're offered a refreshing beverage, then

you sit down and the ever-fabulous Sparkle Katie

works her magic on your already beautiful self.

Katie sprays her final setting spray and then it's

time to document the fabulous goddamned goddess,

mermaid, unicorn,

I am woman hear me roar, that you are!

You ARE Brilliant.

You ARE Brilliant.

We start taking photos.

You're maybe a little apprehensive. Or maybe you were born ready to own this moment. Either way that moment is about to be owned.

Together, we'll create images that speak to every ounce of power within. There's no wrong way to do it.

The attire & accessories you bring are the ones that make you feel sexy, sassy, flirtatious, bold, brazen, comfy or like a MF sorcerer!

The level of Oooh la la you want to incorporate is totally up to you.

You'll leave feeling like you've conquered the world.

So you've conquered the world, now what?

Take yourself out and show yourself a good time! Have someone else take you out and show you a good time. You're going to feel like you can do anything, and you'll be rocking some fantastic hair & makeup.

The images we created together will be ready in a few weeks. You'll get the notification that your email is here, and you'll feel all those feelings all over again as you open it. You click on the link to your private gallery and DAMN!

You'll forever have evidence of what an absolute majestic badass you are!

We’re here to help you every step of the way.

What is Brilliance? you.are.brilliance.